Week of Monday, November 11th

Week of Monday, November 11th

Show and Tell: Anything that begins with the letter T

Tuesday:  Music
Wednesday: Mission Wednesday- every little bit helps/ gym
Thursday: Computers ( Please send in headphones with your child in a gallon sized Ziploc bag labeled with their name)
Friday: Library

- Thank you to everyone who sent in candy for the troops! SSJ collected over 519lbs of candy!

-Thank you to all those who voted for their favorite saints. There were 108 saints who received at
least one vote. The top 5 saints and the number of votes received were St. Francis of Assisi – 89; St. Anthony – 58; St. Michael – 54; St. Patrick – 44; and St. Therese of the Little Flower – 33.

- Reminder: All feathers were due this Tuesday, November 12th. Please decorate the feather that was sent home with your child last week and help them write something they're thankful for on the feather.

- The weather is going to be much colder this week. Please make sure your child has a coat, a hat and gloves. We try to get out everyday even if it's just for 5 minutes.

- Please label all clothing/ items your child comes in with.

- We are in need of some Clorox wipes and paper towels. We 're grateful for whatever you're able to send in. Thank you!

- SSJ is participating in a Thanksgiving food drive for the poor. Please send in canned gravy with your child. Thank you!

- SSJ's student council is collecting new and gently used shoes of all sizes for the Soles for Jesus Foundation. These shoes will be delivered to those in need during a mission trip to Botswana. Thank you for any donation you provide.

 - We’re in need of lunch time volunteers Monday-Friday from 12-1pm. Mrs. Franz, the Pre-K 4 aide will be in the classroom with you as well as a lunch helper on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We especially need parent volunteers on Mondays and Fridays because we don’t have a lunch helper from the cafeteria.The sign-up genius link for November is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080b4ca4ae2baafd0-november
You must have all your clearances to volunteer. Please contact Candy Savarese in the rectory for more information on obtaining your clearances. Her email is csavarese@simonandjude.org

-The final Scrip orders before Thanksgiving should be placed by Friday, November 22nd, for delivery on Tuesday, November 26th. More information about SSJ's Scrip program can be found in the school newsletter. 

-Watch your email this week for important enrollment information. The School Board wants you to have the first opportunity to register your children for the 2020-2021 school year before new families. 

- During last weekend's masses SSJ kicked off the Annual Fund. Thank you for your continued support of our school. If you'd like more information on the annual fund, it can be found in the newsletter. 

- The Box Tops Education Program helps earn money for our school. Please collect them and send them in when you can. We'll be collecting them until December 31st 2019.

Tickets are still available for SSJ's Home and School raffles. Please support us!! Any questions? Email Megan DelFra at megandelfra@yahoo.com

- Trivia Night returns to SSJ on Friday, November 15th. This is a parent only event. If you haven’t already sent your tables in to Katy Coley, please email her directly at katy.buettner@gmail.com to let her know your names! You can send the money in separately. If you are interested in attending and don’t have a full table, please let us know and we will find you a spot!! Everyone is welcome to this fun night!

- Breakfast with Santa is on Saturday, December 8th from 9:30-11:30am in Monihan Hall. More information will be coming out soon. 

-The SSJ Night at the Races fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 21st
 NOTE: THIS IS A CHANGE IN DATE, SO MARK YOUR CALANDARS! A Volunteer meeting will take place this month. Contact Jen Doran with questions jenniferdoran413@gmail.com.

- Saints Simon and Jude has a moms group for moms of all ages. A link to more information can be found in the newsletter.

- Science Fair judges are needed to judge 8th grade Science projects on Wednesday, January 29th. It takes about 1 1/2 -2 hours to complete the judging process. You may evaluate the students and their projects at any time between 8:00 am-12:00 pm or 1:30-2:30pm.No specialization is required. You simply need to be somewhat familiar with
the scientific method process. If you can help out or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dryfoos at
jdryfoos@simonandjude.org. Any assistance that you can provide is greatly appreciated.

- SSJ’s Career Day will be on Monday, January 27, 2020 and presenters are needed. If you or someone you know would like to join us on this exciting day, please e-mail Heather Coulter at heatherco@cciu.org. Thank you!

Tuition assistance is available for all Saints Simon and Jude families who qualify or have a short-term financial need. In the 2019-2020 school year, over $160,000 in aid was awarded to SSJ students. We ask families to please submit an application through FACTS prior to applying for aid through SSJ's Catholic Education Fund. More information can be found in the newsletter.

Recap of the Week:

This past week we worked on the letter H. We glued a hamster wheel to the front cover of our letter book and completed four pages to improve letter recognition. The rest was sent home for homework. We brainstormed a list of words beginning with the letter H. Thank you for sending in all the clippings.We practiced writing upper and lowercase H in our Handwriting without Tears workbooks. We talked about Thanksgiving. We learned the story of the first Thanksgiving and talked about what we're grateful for. We read about being thankful in our Scholastic weekly reader. We identified the rhyming words as we read. We circled the letters in the word:"grateful" on the back of the leaflet. On Tuesday, we voted for our favorite cracker: squares (graham crackers) or circles (Ritz). The winner was squares so we had graham crackers with snack on Wednesday. We also practiced cutting. The children cut strips of orange construction paper and threaded them onto brad fasteners to create a pumpkin. We also made owls from toilet paper rolls. In Religion we read the story of creation and talked about our 5 senses. In our unit: "Ready for School" we read: "The Little Red Hen" and acted out the story with finger puppets. We also reviewed what length and height measure. We started to talk about the math terms: more, less and the same.


This Week:

This week we will focus on the letter T. The children will make a tiger cover for their letter book. We'll complete four pages in school and the rest will be sent home. We'll brainstorm a list of words beginning with the letter T. Please send in two to three clippings of words or pictures beginning with  T for the back of our chart. The children should be helping to find and cut out the pictures. We'll use play dough to practice forming upper and lowercase T. In Religion we'll talk about how we can care for God's creation. We'll make turkeys from construction paper. We'll also practice counting. The children will place the correct amount of clothespins on each numbered turkey. In our unit: "Ready for School" we'll continue to talk about the math terms: more, less and the same.

Important Dates

These Dates are subject to change

Trivia Night- 11/15

Thanksgiving Celebration- 11/26, 10:00-10:30

Breakfast with Santa- 12/8, 9:30-11:30

Pre-K Christmas Play- 12/16

Gingerbread Houses with 8th Grade in the cafeteria- 12/18

Career Day- 1/27

SSJ Night at the Races- 3/21

Donuts with Dad- 3/19, 8:45- 9:15/9:30

Muffins with Mom- 5/7, 8:45-9:15/9:30

Pre-K Spirit Day- 5/27, 10:00-10:45

Pre-K Beach Day- 6/4, 11:45 Dismissal

Pre-K Closing Ceremony- 6/5, 9:30am

**You must have all your clearances to volunteer. For more information on obtaining the required clearances, please contact Candy Savarese in the Rectory at csavarese@simonandjude.org

*Reminder: If your child is absent please email myself at mpmauer@simonandjude.org as well as Mrs. Conlon in the main office at mconlon@simonandjude.org Thank you!

- If your child's dismissal procedure changes, I must be emailed by 1:00pm. If it's past 1:00pm, please call the main office. 

- If you need to pick up early, we must have a written note or email.



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