Week of Monday, September 22nd

Week of Monday, September 22nd 

Show and Tell: Anything relating to Apples 

Monday: First Day of Fall

Tuesday: Music 

Wednesday: Gym 

Thursday: Computers 

Friday: Library 

- If you haven't done so already please send in two individual photos of your child for the bulletin board. Thank you! 

- Please label all clothing, etc. your child comes in with. Thank you so much! 

- No School: 10/2, 10/31 and 11/1. We will have conferences on Thursday, 10/31. I will send out a sign-up genius for conferences next week. 

- Saints Simon and Jude School is switching grading/attendance systems. You will no longer access your child's information through My Student Progress. The new system is called OptionC. Parent alerts and emails will be sent via OptionC. You should have received your login information and password this week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

- We are asking the children to send in one jar of peanut butter or jelly for the poor. Thank you for your generosity!

- We’re asking all parents/grandparents to form two lines when coming in to pick up your child/children from regular carline . If you see a “back-up”, rather than waiting on Rt. 3, please drive into the Church lot. This happens occasionally on a half-day dismissal. Please remind your child/ren not to "run" to the car when they see you. Teachers will ensure that it is safe (all cars have stopped) and either walk the child to the waiting car or instruct the older children to proceed. We do strive to get all children safely and quickly to their cars. Thank you to all our drivers for your cooperation and patience as we ensure the safety of our children.
For Preschool carline pick-up, please drive around the lower lobby entrance. If you’re the first car, please pull all the way up once the buses have left. Please do not come to your child. We’ll walk your child to you. If you need to buckle your child in, please pull to the side so that we can keep the line moving. Thank you for understanding!

- We’re in need of lunch time volunteers Monday-Friday from 12-1pm. Mrs. Franz, the Pre-K 4 aide will be in the classroom with you as well as a lunch helper on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We especially need parent volunteers on Mondays and Fridays because we don’t have a lunch helper from the cafeteria. The sign up genius link is: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/5080B4CA4AE2BAAFD0-lunch
You must have all your clearances to volunteer. Please contact Candy Savarese in the rectory for more information on obtaining your clearances. Her email is csavarese@simonandjude.org

- Save the date for the Fall Parent Social BYOB hosted by the Home and School Association on Saturday, September 28th at 7:30pm. Please RSVP here http://evite.me/qmPQQwGbug by Wednesday, September 25th.

- Tickets for SSJ’s raffle will be send home with the youngest child in each family. Support the Home and School by purchasing tickets. From October to May you have a chance each week to win $200! 

-The Home and School Association is looking to fill the position of: mother/son event chair for grades 5th-8th. If you have a student in 5th-8th grade and are interested in helping out, please contact Kristen Ross at kross0601@gmail.com. Thank you! 

-Mark your calendars and show your school spirit! SSJ will participate in the West Chester Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 23rd! More details to follow!

- Support SSJ through Giant’s A+ School Rewards Program! Go to the Giant website for more information. https://giantfoodstores.com/school-rewards/. If you already support SSJ, you don’t need to sign up again. Thank you!

- Be a Christmas Angel! This upcoming Advent season, you can make a difference to the less fortunate children in our local area. Our SSJ school and parish communities will once again partner with the Delaware Valley Children’s Charity (dvcconline.org) to assist thousands of area children who would have otherwise gone without. Last year SSJ sponsored 334 children! Please see the newsletter for more information. 

Recap of the Week: 

Wow! This past week flew by. We practiced counting and identifying numbers with Mrs. Franz. We sorted manipulatives by color and type. The children were introduced to patterns during circle time.  They then used snap cubes to make their own AB patterns. 
In Religion we read the bible story: "Come Follow Me" and talked about how Jesus calls each of us to be his friends. We made stained glass crosses from tissue paper. 
We read the story "Chicka,Chicka,Boom,Boom".We then made our own chicka,chicka,boom,boom trees with the letters of our name. We've been working on name and letter recognition. We've also  been practicing writing our names.
We read the story: "Owen" from our unit "Ready for School". We made predictions, talked about the parts of a book and discussed Owen's feelings about his blanket.We also went over the story words: terrific and favorite. 
We had our first fire drill (everyone did well!!). 

This Coming Week:

This week we'll begin to talk about apples and the season of Fall.We'll read all about the parts of an apple and how apples grow in our Scholastic weekly reader.We'll make applesauce in a crock pot. We will read the book: "Ten Apple up on Top" by: Dr. Seuss. The children will glue apples in order from 1 to 10 on top of a picture of themselves.
In Religion we'll talk about ways we can be a good friend to others. We'll practice identifying letters
and their sounds while reading: "Annie, Bea, and Chi Chi Dolores" from our "Ready for School" unit.
We'll introduce position words this week and play a game called "Teddy Says" similar to "Simon Says" to review the words.We will continue to work on number, letter and shape recognition.We'll also practice identifying and writing our names. 

Things to work on at home: 

- identifying and writing their first name

-  Putting on their own jacket and zipping

- letter and number recognition 

Important Dates
These Dates are subject to change.
Blessings of Stuffed Animals- 10/4
Firefighters Visit- 10/10
SSJ Walk-A-Thon- Friday, 10/11 1pm
Field Trip to Highland Orchards- 10/17, leave at 9:30am and arrive back at 12:00pm
Halloween Parade- 10/30, 8:30-8:40
Thanksgiving Celebration- 11/26, 10:00-10:30
Pre-K Christmas Play- 12/16
Gingerbread Houses with 8th Grade in the cafeteria- 12/18
Donuts with Dad- 3/19, 8:45- 9:15/9:30
Muffins with Mom- 5/7, 8:45-9:15/9:30
Pre-K Spirit Day- 5/27, 10:00-10:45
Pre-K Beach Day- 6/4, 11:45 Dismissal
Pre-K Closing Ceremony- 6/5, 9:30am

**You must have all your clearances to volunteer. For more information on obtaining the required clearances, please contact Candy Savarese in the Rectory at csavarese@simonandjude.org
*Reminder: If your child is absent please email myself at mpmauer@simonandjude.org as well as Mrs. Conlon in the main office at mconlon@simonandjude.org
Thank you!

- If your child's dismissal procedure changes, I must be emailed by 1:00pm. If it's past 1:00pm, please call the main office. 
- If you need to pick up early, we must have a written note or email.


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