Week of Monday, October 28th

Week of Monday, October 28th 

Happy Halloween!!

Monday: Feast Day of Saints Simon and Jude 

Tuesday: Music

Wednesday: Costume Parade and Halloween class party. The parade will take place during morning assembly. You will need to be in the gym by 8:20am. You may park in the lower lot near the playgrounds. Please enter through the Cavanaugh Hall doors. Your child should come dressed in their costume. Please: 

- No masks or weapons 

- No dress up shoes 

- Wear sneakers 

- Play clothes or leggings underneath 

- No parents should come to the classroom 

The children may wear play clothes for the day. If they have a Halloween shirt, they may wear that. We will have our Halloween class party at 10:00am so they won't need a snack. 

Thursday: Happy Halloween- No School/ Conferences 

Friday: All Saints Day- No School 

- I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at conferences. The sign-up genius will be closed at 8am Tuesday morning. You can cancel your conference, however you may not switch times after 8am Tuesday morning. Babysitting services will be offered in the gym by Mrs. Stringham and the Concert Choir during parent teacher conferences on Thursday, October 31st. 
I have some conferences that are back to back so please be prompt. Thank you! 

- Forty Hours takes place this week from Sunday, 10/27 till Tuesday, 10/29. Forty Hours is a special devotion of a 40-hour period of continuous prayer before Jesus, The Blessed Sacrament. The closing of Forty Hours is on Tuesday, 10/29 at 7:00pm. Please see the newsletter for more information.  

- Wednesdays are designated as Mission Day at SSJ. The missions we collect are used to support The Archdiocesan Missionary Childhood Association as well as other worthy causes such as Ronald McDonald House, Catholic Charities, Rice Bowl, hurricane victims, etc. Please be generous. Thank you!

- SSJ is participating in a Thanksgiving food drive for the poor. Please send in canned gravy with your child. Thank you!

- Please label all clothing, etc. your child comes in with.

- Winter uniform begins on Monday, November 4th. Starting on November 4th the children may no longer wear shorts. They must wear the gym sweatpants. Thank you! 

- As the weather gets cooler, please make sure you child has a sweatshirt or jacket to wear outside. We try to go out everyday. Thank you! 

- As the weather gets cooler some children prefer to wear the long sleeve shirt rather than the sweatshirt. The logo wear store sells youth long sleeve t-shirts for $15. You can access the logo wear store through the school website. If you have any questions, please contact ssjlogowear@gmail.com 

- School picture retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th. Both students who were absent on picture day and students who would like to have their pictures retaken will be photographed that day. Parents may order pictures by going online at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ and using Picture Day ID: LW729539Q1 or by requesting an order form from the school office to complete and submit to the photographer on 11/5. If you are returning a photo package it can be brought to school on 11/5. If you have any questions you may contact the school office at 610-696-5249.

- We’re in need of lunch time volunteers Monday-Friday from 12-1pm. Mrs. Franz, the Pre-K 4 aide will be in the classroom with you as well as a lunch helper on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We especially need parent volunteers on Mondays and Fridays because we don’t have a lunch helper from the cafeteria.The sign-up genius link for November is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080b4ca4ae2baafd0-november
You must have all your clearances to volunteer. Please contact Candy Savarese in the rectory for more information on obtaining your clearances. Her email is csavarese@simonandjude.org

- Please be cautious when driving onto school grounds especially during car lines and bus arrivals. Please drive slowly. Thank you! 

- Please see the important Safe Environment update for school volunteers in the weekly newsletter. 

- The Box Tops Education Program helps earn money for our school. Please collect them and send them in when you can. We'll be collecting them until December 31st 2019. A link to instructions and a box tops collection sheet can be found in the weekly newsletter. 

Tickets are still available for SSJ's Home and School raffles. Please support us!! Any questions? Email Megan DelFra at megandelfra@yahoo.com. 

- Enjoy a great dinner and support SSJ on Wednesday, October 30th at Fellini Cafe of West Chester (2 Waterview Rd.). Dine in or take out and 15% of your bill will go back to SSJ. Fellini Cafe is a BYOB restaurant. Reservations are appreciated. Make sure you mention SSJ.

Save the date for the Knights of Columbus Italian Night at SSJ! This fun and family-friendly event will be on November 2nd, 6 to 9:30 p.m. in The Meehan Center. The cost is $45 for adults AND kids K- grade 8 are FREE. This includes live entertainment for all, Italian food, wine, beer, and soft drinks.

- Trivia Night returns to SSJ on Friday, November 15th. This is a parent only event. 

- Career Day is coming up on Monday, January 27th, 2020 and presenters are needed. Please e-mail Heather Coulter at heatherco@cciu.org if you or someone you know would like to be part of this fun day. 

- Save the Date- SSJ Night at the Races fundraiser will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2020. A volunteer meeting will be held in January. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Doran at jenniferdoran413@gmail.com
- Support SSJ through Giant’s A+ School Rewards Program! Go to the Giant website for more information. https://giantfoodstores.com/school-rewards/. If you already support SSJ, you don’t need to sign up again. Thank you!

Tuition assistance is available for all Saints Simon and Jude families who qualify or have a short-term financial need. In the 2019-2020 school year, over $160,000 in aid was awarded to SSJ students. We ask families to please submit an application through FACTS prior to applying for aid through SSJ's Catholic Education Fund. More information can be found in the newsletter. 

- Be a Christmas Angel! This upcoming Advent season, you can make a difference to the less fortunate children in our local area. Our SSJ school and parish communities will once again partner with the Delaware Valley Children’s Charity (dvcconline.org) to assist thousands of area children who would have otherwise gone without. Last year SSJ sponsored 334 children! Please see the newsletter for more information.

Recap of the Week : 

Last week we focused on the letter E. The children created an elephant cover for their booklet.They completed two pages in school and brought the rest home. We talked about the short and long e sounds and came up with a list of words beginning with the letter E. Thank you for sending in all the pictures and words beginning with the letter E. The children enjoyed sharing their letter E or Halloween themed Show and Tell items. In Religion we read the story: "Ming's Furry Puppy" and talked about ways we can be kind at home and at school. In our Ready for School unit we read: "My Friends". We made predictions about the story and then revisited our predictions after reading. We acted out the story words: nap and hide. We also took a look at Science Poster 2. We talked about what a scientist does and how magnets work. The children had fun exploring centers last week. In the art center they painted Halloween pictures with watercolors.The sensory table was filled with corn kernels, fake leaves with upper and lowercase letters written on them, small baskets, acorns, and handy scoopers. The children had fun scooping and pouring as well as matching upper and lowercase letters. We read about the life cycle of a pumpkin in our Scholastic Weekly Reader. We also read lots of Halloween books. The children made a "5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate" craft. They also finished painting the faces on their Jack-O- Lanterns. 



This Coming Week:
This week is a short one. We'll continue to work on the letter E. We will practice writing letter E in our Handwriting without Tears workbooks. We'll vote on our favorite Jack-O-Lantern painting in the hallway. We will also vote on a design to be carved into our class pumpkin. The children will help pull the pulp and seeds out of the pumpkin. In Religion we'll read about the Saints. The Saints were friends of Jesus. We'll talk about things we can do at home and school to be a friend of Jesus. We'll start the Saint Francis of Assisi coloring page in school. The children can finish it at home and bring
it back for a sticker. We'll read the book: "Where's My Mummy?" and make a yarn wrapped mummy. 

Important Dates
These Dates are subject to change.

Halloween Parade- 10/30, 8:30-8:40
Knights of Columbus Italian Night- 11/2, 6-9:30pm
Trivia Night- 11/15

Thanksgiving Celebration- 11/26, 10:00-10:30
Pre-K Christmas Play- 12/16
Gingerbread Houses with 8th Grade in the cafeteria- 12/18

Career Day- 1/27 Donuts with Dad- 3/19, 8:45- 9:15/9:30
Muffins with Mom- 5/7, 8:45-9:15/9:30

SSJ Night at the Races- 5/16

Pre-K Spirit Day- 5/27, 10:00-10:45
Pre-K Beach Day- 6/4, 11:45 Dismissal

Pre-K Closing Ceremony- 6/5, 9:30am

**You must have all your clearances to volunteer. For more information on obtaining the required clearances, please contact Candy Savarese in the Rectory at csavarese@simonandjude.org

*Reminder: If your child is absent please email myself at mpmauer@simonandjude.org as well as Mrs. Conlon in the main office at mconlon@simonandjude.org
Thank you!

- If your child's dismissal procedure changes, I must be emailed by 1:00pm. If it's past 1:00pm, please call the main office. 
- If you need to pick up early, we must have a written note or email.


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