Week of Monday, February 24th 

Show and Tell: Letter B 


Tuesday: Spring Pictures/ Music 

Wednesday: Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:00am / Mission Wednesday- please be generous 
Home and School fundraiser at Pica's 

Thursday: Computers 
Bag Bingo at 7pm in the Meehan Center 

Friday: Library 

- Please help your child fill out their Baptismal certificate that was inside the Religion leaflet that came home this past week. Send it back into school with a picture by Monday, February 24th. Thank you! 

- Beginning in March the children will take books out at the Library. They will bring their book home on Friday in a galloon size Ziploc bag with their name on it. The book must be returned on Tuesday in the galloon size Ziploc bag. Please handle the books with care. If the book becomes lost or damaged, it may need to be replaced. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! 

- Throughout the Church season of Lent we will be collecting: tissues, hairspray, brushes and combs for the sisters at Camilla Hall. Camilla Hall is a nursing home for the IHM sisters. Please be generous. 

-All volunteers must have Safe Environment files in compliance with PA State law and Archdiocesan policies. Without compliance you can not volunteer. If you've received your child abuse clearance or any other certificates, please send them to the office or rectory. If you have any questions, please contract Candy Savarese at csavarese@simonandjude.org.

- Our Donuts with Dad event is coming up on Thursday, March 19th from 8:45am-9:30am in Monihan Hall (cafeteria). Morning Cares will be available; however the teachers will be busy setting up for the event therefore all children who are dropped off at 8:10 at the Cavanaugh Hall doors or 8:25 at the lower lobby doors should come to school with their dad that morning. If your child's dad can not make it, please let me know. Thank you! 

- Thank you for all the donut orders. All donuts will be available on Monday, February 24th. 

- Spring pictures are this Tuesday, February 25th. They are optional and only children purchasing pictures will be photographed. The children who are having their picture taken may dress up/dress down. All other children should wear their school uniform. 

-SSJ is still collecting new, gently used and used books for the BookSmiles' Mission. Collection boxes are located outside the office and in the library. 

- SSJ designer bag bingo is this Thursday, February 27th in the Meehan center. Reserved tables of 8-10 can be made once all tickets are purchased. A link to purchase tickets can be found in the newsletter. 

- The Red Carpet Sweetheart Dance will be held on Saturday, April 4th from 6-8:30pm in the Meehan center. Tickets are now on sale and are $40/couple, $10 for each additional student. All RSVPs and payments should be sent to Katy Smith c/o Emma Smith, Room 4, and are due by March 25th. Checks should be made payable to the SSJ Home & School Association.

- Keep clipping your box tops and scanning you receipts to support SSJ. Thank you! 

-SSJ's Night at the Races is coming up on Saturday, March 21st. A link to the event website can be found in the newsletter. All proceeds benefit the SSJ Annual Fund. 

- RSVP today for the Mother/Son event at Palace Bowling in Downingtown on Friday, March 27th from 6:30pm-8:30pm 

- SSJ's Parent Peace Committee is hosting a Movie Night on Thursday, March 5th featuring Aladdin. More information can be found in the newsletter. 

- SSJ is expanding their host family program for the 2020-2021 school year. Host families connect with new, incoming families as well as families considering SSJ. If you're interested or need additional information, please contact Kim Tobin at kimdelaneytobin@yahoo.com or 215-990-9658.

- Saints Simon and Jude Knights of Columbus is hosting a Saint Patrick's day celebration in the Meehan center on Saturday, March 14th from 5:30pm to 9:30pm. All are welcome. More information can be found in the newsletter. 

- Save the Date- Tea with Shrek and Friends. 
Come meet the cast of Shrek and enjoy 'Swamp'tastic photos, breakfast snacks, games, activities, and more on Sunday, March 29th following the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses.

- Philadelphia Area Team Tennis Association is coming to East Goshen Park. Learn and Play Tennis on a Team! Just as in baseball, soccer, and basketball, players will be placed on tennis teams and play supervised match play against other teams. The program begins in May and is open to children ages 5 to 14.

- "Matilda" the Musical is coming to Merion Mercy Academy! Performances are February 28, 29, March 6, and March 7 at 7:30 p.m. and March 1 and March 8 at 2 p.m. This show is
entertaining and good for all ages! A link to purchase tickets can be found in the newsletter. 

-Discounted Hersheypark tickets are available for purchase through the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. All ages admission for the 2020 season is only $38.95 and represents a savings of 48% off the gate price. Tickets will be delivered to the school office on/before the week of May 25th. Please see the newsletter for more information. 

Recap of the Week 

This week we focused on the letter P. We glued a penguin to the cover of our letter book and completed four pages. The rest was sent home for homework. We enjoyed wearing pajamas to school on Thursday and making pancakes from scratch. The children enjoyed helping to add the ingredients. We read about good dental hygiene in our Scholastic weekly reader. We made a mouth full of teeth. The children cut an oval from pink construction paper for the mouth and then added a tongue and marshmallows for teeth. In Religion we talked about the sacrament of Baptism. Thank you to all those who already sent back their baptismal certificate. 
I started assessing the children this week for progress reports. They should come home next week. Please look over it, sign the back and return. Thank you! 

These are a few pictures from the past couple weeks: 

This Coming Week 

This coming week we'll be focusing on the letter B. The children will complete a couple pages in their letter book and the rest will be sent home for homework. Please send in words or pictures beginning with the letter B for the back of our chart. In Religion we'll talk about the church season of Lent and how it's a time to grow in our love for God, our family and friends. In the unit: "Our Community" we'll use the big wall chart to review the names of places and community workers. We'll also read "Jobs". We'll create a movement for each action word in the book. We also begin to work on some Dr. Seuss crafts/ activities since Dr. Seuss' birthday ( March 2nd) is right around the corner. 

Important Dates

These dates are subject to change

Ash Wednesday Dine and Donate Fundraiser at Pica's 2/26
SSJ Bag Bingo Night 2/27

Dine and Donate Fundraiser at Bonefish Grill 3/12-3/15

Peace Committee Aladdin Movie Night- 3/5 
SSJ Knights of Columbus Saint Patrick's day celebration 3/14

Donuts with Dad  3/19 8:45am-9:30am

SSJ Night at the Races  3/21

Mother/Son event at Palace Bowling and Entertainment Center 3/27
Tea with Shrek and Friends 3/29

Father Daughter Dance  4/4

Muffins with Mom  5/7 8:45am-9:30am

Preschool Spirit Day  5/27 10:00am-10:45am

Preschool Beach Day 6/4, 11:45am dismissal 

Preschool Closing Ceremonies  6/5, 9:30am

**You must have all your clearances to volunteer. For more information on obtaining the required clearances, please contact Candy Savarese in the Rectory at csavarese@simonandjude.org

*Reminder: If your child is absent please email myself at mpmauer@simonandjude.org as well as Mrs. Conlon in the main office at mconlon@simonandjude.org Thank you!

- If your child's dismissal procedure changes, I must be emailed by 1:00pm. If it's past 1:00pm, please call the main office. 


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